2021 - Babies, ladders, and retail, oh my!
So, it's been quite a while since I’ve posted a blog! I apologise for that! I've been wrapped up with what seems like massive amounts of choices to make, projects, and keeping my now 8 months pregnant gorgeous wife as comfortable as possible!
How did 2020 go? We were in a lockdown for a while, and I worked (farmers are essential, turns out). We got out of the lockdown, and I worked. Had some drama with calves (one somehow broke his leg) and with mother cows (one who had stomach issues last year got them again and passed away), and then summer started. And I worked.
I stopped working briefly, and we got pregnant! Haha! And then we were mid summer 2021. We had pretty much a crop failure the first time I attempted to raise dill on my own, my dad had to replant his but came out okay, considering. And we worked.
We started renting more ground from my dad and I installed about a mile of fencing to allow us to intensive graze the field. And then we also finished fencing the whole farm. Now that I think of it, I think I spent most of last summer building fence. Hah!
Oh yeah, and we built and finished a shed that now has chest freezers in it. And then we got licensed to sell beef out of the shed! So cool! We’re currently in the midst of learning how to market our products well, which is a steep learning curve, for sure, but so worth it!
We're still working on our tiny house, and this fall was a flurry of activity related to siding and soffit installation. We're very close to having that all done, but as the weather grew more winter-like, we had to pause the outside progress and transition to finishing inside projects.
Since we built the house, we have been using a gigantic stepladder leaned up against the loft floor to get into the upstairs. With a baby on the way, this solution was clearly not workable. So, we (yesterday) got a legit ladder installed in the loft and I'll be adding handrails and anti-slip treads to it to hopefully make it fully functional and safe for me and my afraid of heights wife to navigate! Yeah, right now, it's even a little scary for me,so I don't blame her! I did build the ladder and I think it turned out pretty well for being made out of common boards! It's amazing how adding something that looks mostly finished can change the look and feel of your house! I highly recommend finishing projects in your house for mental health!
So what's coming up? We’ll be working on streamlining both the beef and coffee business, baby Smith is showing up late March, and a whole bunch of baby calves should be showing up a week or two after that! Gonna be nuts, but gonna be great!
I also wanted to give a shout out to those who have liked, commented and subscribed!
And an even bigger shout out to those who have purchased beef from us! You are awesome!
One goal we have for this year is to build our audience for the farm, if you enjoy our content, please share it with others as well!
Much love and blessings,
Kenny, Sulema, and baby boy Smith
The Newly Installed Ships Ladder (sans railing)
Built by Kenny, loved by Sulema, liked by all!