Beef Prices 2023, For Now

Howdy Folks,
So, fertilizer is still almost double what it was two years ago. All my costs, supplies, parts, fencing stuff, and even steel went up at least 20%.

Spray went up 20-40%.

My food bill went up 30% (Elijah is eating us out of house and home).

Food is slowly creeping back down a little. Fuel is still up 50%. Spray and everything else is staying high.

I should have raised prices last year, but I was hoping it was just a supply and logistics fluke and would go away. I was wrong.

That said, I had to raise my beef prices ~17% this year. I am sorry, I really tried to hold out, but I can't do so at the expense of my family. Here's where we landed:

Half/wholes are $4.75/lb hanging weight, which translates into around $7.75/lb cut and wrapped.
Quarters are $8.25/lb cut and wrapped.
Eighths are $9/lb cut and wrapped.

Burger, when/if available will be $6.50/lb.

All prices include butchering. If butchering goes up again this year, I'll have to adjust again.

I am nearly completely booked for all my availability this year, but if you're already on my list and something changes for you, please let me know. Thank you for letting me and my family provide you with high quality grass-finished beef. We really appreciate you!

God Bless,

P.S. My butchering did go up a little bit more, but I’ll wait till my spring butchering is done before I raise prices again. Tips are appreciated! ;-)

Kenneth Smith