Why I Like Farming - Part 2: Harvest
Harvesting, yes. It's the time of year where the forest fire smoke settles in the valley (and I proceed to swear under my breath at all those organizations who frivolously block logging efforts via numerous lawsuits).
Harvest is the one time of year that most farmers make money. You have one shot to do it right and on time. The weather can make or break your harvest just as easily as a serious breakdown or a bad price at the grain elevators. For the last few years, the elevators have been cold and cruel to grain farmers. That's where I'll leave that. Haha!
Farmers plant what they think they might make a profit in the spring and look towards harvest in getting all the equipment, logistics, and personnel ready to go. Sometimes farmers plant something that they know won't make a profit because the soil needs it (weed control, crop rotation to lessen pest/fungus pressures, etc.) and the long term benefit is greater than the short term gain of planting what would make them money.
Diversification is the best way to spread risk on your farm, but it's also expensive both in machinery and labor so many farmers don't do it. They stick to what they know and weather the prices, whatever they may be. Diverse farmers are far busier than the folks who raise just things that are fall harvested. My dad's farm is incredibly diverse, and we've stayed afloat for a long time because of it, but I think it's time for some simplification as the equipment maintenance is starting to eat our lunch.
But, I digress. Harvest is a goal. It's where you "do the most work" for all the year in that you can physically see progress when you harvest your grain, bale the hay, or pour the dill oil into the barrels. It's gratification for something you've been tending for anywhere from 90 days to a year. It's exciting, even though in the middle of it, you're dog tired, your body hurts as you come off the combine, the chopper, or the tractor, but you can look over your shoulder and see what you did that day. That's why I like harvest.
Level II fire restrictions right now in the valley. Check your fire extinguishers and please (PLEASE) don't throw your cigarette butts out the window!!
Be blessed and stay safe!
Dill, not quite ready yet, but soon!