Stuff Happens

Today, in my sleep deprived state (it's calving season), Murphy's Law struck.  For those not familiar, Murphy's Law states that if something can go wrong, it will.  What happened was a welded joint in our grapple that was previously done on our backhoe broke just before I had finished loading our feed mixer.

So, I ran the backhoe up to the shop, grabbed the grinder to prep the part and welded it back together in such a way that it will never break again short of a collision with an equally large piece of equipment. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily believe in Murphy's Law, but I do acknowledge that things don't always go the way you planned.  Back in 2013, I didn't expect to quit my engineering job and start farming nor did I expect to teach myself how to weld via YouTube videos and practice.  But I did leave my job and I did learn how to weld which led me today where I was able to effectively fix this piece of equipment in a manner that will last. 

I don't believe in coincidence.  The world is too small for that.  Too many things in this world are too complex and too beautiful to have come about by coincidence or chance.  I believe in God and that He is good and has a good plan for us.   Today, I realized that His plans for me added up to something today that, four years ago, might have caused me to panic a little.  Though a small piece of the puzzle for my life, it's nice to know that I reached a checkpoint along the way.      



The offending grapple cylinder mount is hanging down on the left.  The initial weld had no penetration due to a butt weld on 1/2" plate steel.  


The repair.  I ground a "V" into the weld and got at least a 70% weld.  I didn't clean it up because the cows were hungry.  😉 

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